In this TD we practices PostgreSQL in Linux.
To install PostgreSQL:
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
To launch:
sudo -i -u postgres
To get a postgres prompt:
Here we go:
• \h to see the list of all the SQL commands;
• \h cmd to see the documentation of the command ;
• \i file to execute the commands from the file ;
• \d elt or table_name to display the details about ;
• \dt to list all the tables of your database;
• \q to quit psql
• \H change the showing mode to aligne or html
• \du list the current roles and their attributes
To install PostgreSQL:
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib
To launch:
sudo -i -u postgres
To get a postgres prompt:
Here we go:
PostgreSQL offers an interactive shell that allows you to connect to a PostgreSQL server. You can enter two types of commands :
• Standard SQL commands;
• PostgreSQL-specific commands.
By the way,PostgreSQL handles authentication by associating Linux user accounts with PostgreSQL accounts. This is called "peer" authentication.Upon installation, Postgres creates a Linux user called "postgres" which can be used to access the system.
To launch this shell, you have to use the following command :
psql -d j4_tutorial -U login_x# ORpsql j4_tutorialPostgre SQL internal commands:
• \h to see the list of all the SQL commands;
• \h cmd to see the documentation of the command ;
• \i file to execute the commands from the file ;
• \d elt or table_name to display the details about ;
• \dt to list all the tables of your database;
• \q to quit psql
• \H change the showing mode to aligne or html
• \du list the current roles and their attributes
2. Language
Alter table
If you want to modify something in an existing table (add, delete or update), you can use the ALTER TABLE statement.
And Delete :
DROP TABLE table_name;
DROP TABLE table_name CASCADE;(delete a table and its relationship)
DELETE FROM table_name WHERE column_name = value;
SELECT,WHERE, ORDER BY[ASC, DESC], LIMIT number OFFSET number(too simple, I remember it)
INSERT INTO table_name(column name) VALUES (values);
UPDATE table_name SET column_name = new_value WHERE column_name = value;
This type of join is quite special. It corresponds to a Cartesian product. The request will display all the possible combinations of the lines from the table A and B. For a table A having n lines and a table B having m lines, the results will be composed of n * m lines in the end.
There is a keyword which will allow the DBMS to find how to join two tables by itself. This keyword must be placed before the
previous keywords of joins and doesn’t need a clause ON or USING after that.
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